
Mail: [email protected]


Pay close attention to the general information about commissions.
/Full prepayment!/

© All rights reserved.

General information about commissions.

!!Before ordering, be sure to read the information written here!!!

° I may not accept your commission if I don't like your character or find it difficult to understand your idea.
° Price may be higher if your character has complex designs (wings, pets, detailed patterns, and weapons).
° Waiting time: from two weeks to a month. (I provide screenshots of the work process only upon request!)

° I can publish the commission result (You can let me know if you want me to publish it after a certain date (for example, the person's birthday, etc.).
° Spreading the work done by me, it is MANDATORY to have a link to me. Specifying only the artist's pseudonym is not enough. It is also strictly forbidden to erase the signature of the author from the original work.
° Commercial orders and "non-published" orders: +100% surcharge on the cost of the commission.
° If you want to get art faster:
✧ one week: +30% of the total commission cost.
✧four days: +50% of the total commission cost.
° Also +100% cost for each additional character.
° After you send a payment, I do a rough sketch first. At this stage, I recommend you make the necessary amendment. You are limited to 3 edits at the sketch stage and 1 opportunity to make minor adjustments at the final stages (add detail, correct color inaccuracy). On the finished work - edits are not made.
✧ additional editing: + 3 dollars (each).

° Please note:
✧ You must have a reference image of your character.
✧ Full prepayment. Payment on "BOOSTY" through PayPal.
PayPal does not work in Russia.
✧ All fees are non-refundable. (I don't do refunds since my time isn't refundable.)

I'm drawing:
-cute girls
-feminine guys
-furry/Kemonomimi/can taste pony
-Light NSFW

I don't draw:
-brutal guys and a barа
-older characters

Important: I don't draw complex backgrounds. Simple background + small decoration details - included in the commission price.

Sketch: 15$/ per character.
-No line, Flat color + rough shade
-Notes: Light NSFW + 5$

Chibi („• ᴗ •„)
Chibi (bust): $20
Chibi (full): $35
The price may increase slightly if your character has a lot of parts/has toys/needs to add some things (mugs, books, papers, etc.).

Headshot: 30$/ per character.

Bust or Half body: 35-40$ / per character.
Notes: Light NSFW + 10-15$

Fake anime screenshot: 15$/ per character.
-Half or headshot only.
-Notes: Light NSFW + 5$